Today is the cultural battle now rocking America concerning marriage and the right of gay men and women have to recognize same sex marriages will know by many as a virtual attack on civilization as we have them. Today, thirty-seven states and the federal government of laws that recognize gay marriage. To oppose in almost all polls taken on this issue, the Americans, the legalization of gay marriage by a ratio of 2-1. Yet gay marriage is closer than everReality.
At stake is whether the benefits of marriage should be legal for same sex couples on issues such as child custody be renewed, extended adoption rights, tax benefits and medical care. But the issues at stake are culturally and religiously bigger than any of the financial topics that might be presented. The same-sex marriage threatens not only our way of life, but our very civilization. At least, same sex marriage threatens the future of all marriageamong people who hold to traditional values throughout the world. We know that because marriage is an institution without time, and although there are gay relationships are between individuals, the institution of marriage has always been accepted by the government and society as a union between a man and a woman. Since marriage is the foundation of society, to tinker with something so fundamental is surely dangerous and suicidal.
Supporters for gay marriageargue that the truth is that same sex marriage has a long history and success. Jewish Scriptures, for example, indicates that same sex marriages were recognized in Egypt. Of course it is no secret that the ancient Greeks and Romans, then recognized same-sex marriage and decadent, not to mention imperial China and some Indian tribes and a multitude of other peoples around the world. These items are not the finding that works well established by these cultures'Disappear from existence as a traceable, which from this culturally defaming the practice forward. The movement of the proponents explain that there is no evidence that the recognition of same sex marriage will destroy our country. They show no historical evidence in turn, that, in fact, thousands of years of Egyptian, Roman and Chinese civilization point to the contrary. In addition, supporters say the same of the practice of gay marriage, that there are also indications that theCatholic Church recognized same sex marriage in the Middle Ages. Indeed, scholars dispute largely from the fact that such unions would actually proposed to be called marriages, and there is no evidence that the church conducted formal ceremonies to recognize the link between same-sex partners. The Catholic Encyclopedia defines marriage as the official "the legitimate union between a man and a woman." Legitimate "shows the phrase, a kind of natural law, evangelical, or civilian, whileThe word means "husband and wife," the mutual rights of sexual intercourse, the sharing of life and a permanent connection. "The words" husband and wife "can only be interpreted as a description of a male and a female. At the recent ceremony and unlawful sexual offenses of the same in San Francisco the two participants are referred to as" applicant and the applicant for One Two . "This is stark contrast to the resistance of the Church herself not to mention homosexuality a church should support same sex partnershipsis accepted by the leadership of the church.
Thus, the acceptance of this previously endangered shake-unacceptable practices of social norms to the ground. For gay rights advocates, the movement toward gay marriage the beginning of an inevitable struggle for civil rights that this case is dealt with homosexual couples as heterosexual couples. For opponents of gay marriage, shows how the judges Twist judgments to suit their beliefs, regardless of legislation orpublic. I want to show what America is so far as to adopt such a historical and social taboos that could throw civilization in the same ash heap of history, like all people who had the courage to put down this road of no return.
The legal implications will certainly be no obstructions to other states that the same action as this sentence of culture by the State of Massachusetts Supreme Court book. The issue could end up before the U.S. SupremeCourt. It 'clear that the gay marriage supporters have decided to go to court activities to achieve their goals. They recognized that a large majority rejects the society, the practice of gay marriage and they could achieve their goals, the way in which the state legislature or the Congress. This is demonstrated by the complete absence of any law of any State legislature, so that marriage between persons of the same sex. Corporate strong opposition to gay marriagehas been declared, no doubt, taken in a CBS poll immediately after the ruling of the Court of Massachusetts. In this survey showed that despite the Supreme Court ruling in Massachusetts that the state could not deny gays and lesbians the right to marry, the U.S. law allowing gay couples to marry or civil unions, and the number of opposing gay marriage by another form of an increase now, as it was in July, before the action of Massachusetts. The CBS poll showed that 61 percent of respondents indicatedwere against gay marriage. This is an increase of 55 percent in July, and only 34 percent said they favor gay marriage, which comes from 40 percent five months earlier. Instead, the public itself to the whole issue of same-sex relationships. Half now think homosexual relations between adults should be legal. This is a reversal of the opinion the summer, when the majority of Americans think homosexual relations should be legal. More than half are now talking about aAmend the U.S. Constitution that defines marriage only between a man and a woman. Therefore, the various liberal judges, particularly in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in total disregard of the rights and wishes of our republic, too large, the door to be opened this Pandora's box that once opened, will never be closed again behind a constitutional amendment to ban this socially rejected form of relationship. Don Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, aGroup in Tupelo, Mississippi, who opposes gay marriage, said, "In today's judicial climate, no law is safe
This means that homosexuals should not provide the same rights as heterosexuals to be? The laws that prohibit discrimination, contrary to the vast interpretation and understanding of the Americans who apply to every person in the country. It 'true that these laws were largely of minorities on grounds of race, applied and were denied their historicalconstitutional rights. However, the laws of affirmative action can and have been applied to all groups and were considered a means for those who have made that have sporadically used to losing jobs, denial of buying a house or other discriminatory measures in their comparisons. Therefore, there are already laws on the books that protect against discrimination for gays and can not claim the status of a vulnerable minority. This leads to the need for a clear definition of whatconstitutes a minority. A person who is a member in good faith of a minority is someone who is such, because of their birth. African-Americans are such because they were in a group of Americans who have given birth to a historical heritage will be denied their inalienable rights as Americans. Americans like to correct this does not help, except the right to centuries of inhuman and illegal acts. Homosexuals, on the other hand, used to their status. You can choose notcontinue to be gay or unmarried. In fact, they can not, to their way of life that an African-American who is discriminated against, can not cease to be black in a racist behavior in society. They also show that the decisive or conclusive scientific research, that homosexuality is a consequence of birth. In fact, all research in this field has shown that all children are born male or female, and there is no sex "third parties", in which homosexuality. Although studies have been conductedfound hormonal differences between men and women at birth, has not been proven that homosexuality is predetermined in the womb. World Net Daily reporter Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media World Net Daily, said: "It seems a political agenda behind a study by UCLA, and three former to test a scientific breakthrough," "promote homosexuality born gay and that the lifestyle is not elected.
Reisman, such as genetic research,"an outrageous farce" and said the researchers, after the study was announced each discarded pieces of news. Mrs. Reisman says one of the researchers, the studies "were also discovered to have written in support of pedophiles promotional." These results speak to the idea that transgender - feeling that you were born in the body of the wrong sex - is a state of mind, "he said. So this is a way of life, which is elected and is notgenetically imposed on an individual. Therefore, homosexuals already benefit from laws and can not claim that they are a minority, and equal rights for blacks and other recognized groups who have no other way out except the law.
The impact of the adoption of gay marriage are profound. Another argument used by supporters of gay marriage is to have the right of succession and the nature of the beneficiaries in a report. Most of these problemsgay long-term relationships are not a concern at all because these protective mechanisms already exist and are only declarations of playing to the hearts of heterosexuals in America. For example, the inheritance is not a problem, because everyone has something that everyone can leave or a group or at all, is registered as boring and documented in an official document. This is not a problem, as are afforded the same rights to gay couples than for gay couples. Gay couples and their partners canBeneficiary of life insurance and all their assets can leave them, if they wish, without marriage, the rights granted to them. And 'the determination of individual employers to grant or forbid homosexual partners of its employees as co-recipients of fringe benefits like health insurance. Many companies like Disney and Chicago officials are already doing. If employers have to give gay couples marriage benefits are to be followed, whichnext? Couples who live together outside of marriage is granted the same rights and if not, why? There seems no end to change the tide of cultural impact. With regard to questions of gay adoption have already adopted children, which is considered by many studies to have a very unhealthy practice for children affected and in contrast to most sociological research is running in this area. However, this is a practice that has been alive for some time.
Finally, ifGay marriage legal and imposed a hostile society, polygamy is the next step and what is sodomy? Today there are numerous causes for polygamy in courts around the country. It could result in nothing more demeaning to women and nothing for the rights of women have been more than polygamy, which was able to wander through the natural next step is to legalize gay marriage will be fought. If there is no accepted or unaccepted standards for ourCountry, where we draw in a position to draw a line where there is the line? Marriage is a sacred institution. Though heterosexuals have done a poor job of keeping this historical relationship between a man and a woman, the failure of heterosexuals living holiness is not an argument to deny them. This is the most controversial issue facing America today. It will draw faces like no other issue has ever done. It is for those who love the company and the love of this country in the holdHave created institutions, the culture, from the Buddha, Abraham, Mohammed and Christ. This issue transcends all religions and all faiths should be ready to fight. Forces us to question whether the Constitution of the United States takes these ideas are really boring, who are opposed to any civil society in human history. If the Constitution really a support for this problem and others like them, then perhaps those of us who care aboutFamily and traditional values have to wonder if we are willing to pledge undying devotion and loyalty, such as a document. And 'the view of those of us in opposition to gay marriage that the Constitution of the United States in any way, writes how these rights for our nation. However, if the Constitution is determined to do that, we who love our children and the continuation of our civilization, ready to defend a country that forces us to accept a different society, adeath do us part?
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