The satisfaction of customer needs, the survey for review

เขียนโดย montana | 02:16

This morning I received an automated call to collect from a major manufacturer of the device.

Earlier this week, his ministry had been the people to my house to fix a leaky washing machine.

It was his seventh trip this year.

Even though I walk through the participation in most surveys, because I think their structure is such that their fast and then report results too happy, I hoped that this would be different.

It was not.

The first question was:

"Havetechnicians treat your home and the device with care? "

When asked, "the land, we have sent something to damage or destroy, or chaos?"

The answer was "No!"

Nothing was damaged and they were pretty good.

But what exactly is the "cure" is an attitude, a matter of what is in their hearts? Am not omniscient. I know if my washing machine and they do not care what they want to do the service incompetent.

As part of the process,had to use my dryer and my wife, who is practically move, set a password to restore the ventilation duct wrapped in the right place. After their departure, they faced the same task.

And removal and not in place, the failure of the channel of cure "? This is a particular form of negligence, but that does not mean that the technicians do not bother people. So, face that I am an enigma.

How should score, from 5 "very satisfied" and 1 "very dissatisfied", as the robot-Interviewerdepends?

Caring people can do things carelessly?

Most minor damage from a current rate of attention, as what happens when we shift our attention from the road to a mobile phone ringing or to change the radio station.

I hung up before playing at number two questions.

The first question should be, "They are the engineers to solve the problem?"

The answer was a resounding "No!"

The steering still leaks and I have anotherRepair kit Deadline for next Friday.

I care if the technicians will take care of? No

All I Care About If you solve the problem.

It would be nice if the caller subsequently be was ready, with a poll that reveals a real satisfaction, and not in addition to major repair.

Interested in training in customer service, negotiation, sales or telemarketing? Or you could use a pay-for-results only for the call center? Contact the author.

Thanks To : Car Care Shop Lenses Camera

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