Pharmacy schools do not require Pharmcas pCat and Big 2 Tips When applying

เขียนโดย montana | 02:39

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There are many schools of pharmacy Pharmcas, none of the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCATI). These schools are mainly in the West Coast, but there are three out of ten, it is not even close to this area.

If you suffer from test anxiety, like many others in front of the pharmacy students, for schools, does not require such pCat is a clever and intelligent, what to do. These schools are mainly looking at the highest average (GPA), experience of pharmacy and other factorsthat are important to this school of pharmacy. As you know, schools that applications no longer require schools pCat pCat to get so, so that competition for a place in the school pharmacy over crowding.

Here are Pharmcas pharmacy schools in the United States does not require pCat.

1) Albany College of Pharmacy of Union University

2) University of California at San Diego

3) University of California at SanFrancisco

4) Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Boston

5) Oregon State University

6) University of the Pacific

7) Purdue University

8) University of Southern California

9) Touro University in California

10) Washington State University

There you have it, all schools Pharmcas pharmacy, none of pCat. So if you suffer from test anxiety, or you're not a great test-taker, you should consider using thisSchools that do not require the admission test pharmacy.

The 2 great tips to increase your chances for pharmacy school, especially in a school that does not require pCat are:

1) Do not you know the pharmacy profession inside and out. You should be able to articulate why you chose the school pharmacy and current issues related to the pharmacy for a job

2) knowledge of the profession is only part of the equation. The other part is that PharmacyExperience. With no experience in pharmacy, the chances of not very well in a school of pharmacy. To use the experience and continue to receive early, even if it goes to pharmacy school.

For more tips, advice and insider secrets and a FREE pCat Study Guide, visit

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