Most of today's murder will be a regular and thorough examination, especially if they are performed by state agencies and law enforcement in the city. This is because the state police and local authorities are largely routine, regardless of their full-out the facts of each case through a scientific analysis of crime scenes. And in most cases, they finally discover the culprits and arrest the suspects, who are then tried and ultimately convicted for the crime, and duly convicted. In aTime in the early 20th century United States history, was the federal murder investigation conducted by the FBI, including regular and complete, and in principle independent of political string-pulling of federal elected and appointed, who had lost something of the truth to the public . That was when the FBI as a non-arm of the federal government, in essence, just as the U.S. Attorney General as the chief federal law enforcement officials acted independently ofWhitehouse solve crimes and genuinely federal offenders to justice. For, say, unnecessarily, when a permanent president of the United States or vice president, the power to be unconstitutional, an attorney general, FBI director, and perhaps also the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, did not properly investigate all materials and evidence in a murder investigation to federal uncover the truth, right, dark, in essence, the works, not more. Another way to sayis that if those who have sworn allegiance to the law breaking the law with impunity, then run to the right, and a little more than useless rhetoric to do it properly.
As a former officer of the county of peace, my feelings were difficult to inflamed after September 11, 2001, was approved on 9 / 11 mass murders of a group of politicians, instead of state experts and homicide detectives of the city . The nation, after that terrible day,was led to believe by the federal executive branch, through the mass media that only the guilty, authors and consumed at the WTC and Pentagon bombings Crazy Islamic militants belonging to a terrorist organization led by Osama Bin Laden. Impress the majority of the public initially saw no reason not to rely on statements by the federal government. Most of the soldiers U.S. citizens between 25 and 40 years, has taken every statement made byGovernment, as the absolute truth. The FBI and other federal intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA and DIA) insisted that these Muslims especially in an Islamic terrorist plot would have acted, kidnapping and take commercial airplanes into the World Trade Center and the wall of the Pentagon, and the total destruction and death that followed was only caused by the impact of the planes in these structures. But they are a very important forensic timeline and facts in order tothe American public were not properly in evidence before 9 / 11 Commission Report, which has quickly made, and by chance, the provisions of the Commission's final suspect 9 / 11's.
For example, a typical scene in a murder case is an ordinary rope off and protected, for sometimes up to six months so that all evidence can be thoroughly investigated to establish, where possible, such as murder (s has occurred), and the suspects plausible. Current forensicScientific research methods and techniques are quite correct in a position to determine what the cause of the prevailing conditions that occur at death (s) has caused. However, including the efforts ceased after the collapse of so many World Trade Center rubble, a state-ordered clean-up, instead of a Crime Scene Investigation begun, the Ground Zero crime scene to disappear. Analysis of the essential aspects of experts from CIS have not collapsed buildings materialsTo determine if something else, which explode and burn, planes caused the towers to fall. Strange events have been important circumstantial evidence of events, set the day before 9 / 11, even by the Commission of 9 / 11 to examine, among other things, a government ordered the suspension of the police and bomb-sniffing dog, control of the two towers of the World Trade Center days before the attacks and the insurance companies for profit, owned by rich landowners of the crime sceneProperty and American and United Airlines, is significantly increased in value, the days before 9 / 11. The restoration of Ground Zero made hurried out like someone in a dominant position in high-was determined to avoid an investigation of these potentially incriminating evidence. And the facts show clearly that many 9 / 11 victims families argued strongly for a comprehensive scientific investigation of crime scenes, rather than a quick cleaning of Ground Zero.
TheBundle of evidence before the policy provisions of the 9 / 11 Commission Report was accumulated enough of the federal version of the facts together. At the beginning of their alleged investigation, the Commission 9 / 11 decided disadvantage-out and denied the possibility of the involvement of managers complicit in the attacks. This was not as it should. In a Crime Scene Investigation correct, nothing is decided at the beginning of the analysis.The study sample on all the relevant evidence and the material is the sole basis for the elimination of suspects. Instead of convincing remember Watergate and Iran-Contra was so pronounced instances of executive dirty conspiracy and deception, and considering the plausibility of these heinous crimes that occur once again, political appointees of the Commission 9 / 11 lessons learned from history and prepare a report that suggested Creative fiction for fact. Certainly,9 / 11 murder investigation would have been different had been done by the murder of nine experts investigators nine largest city in the country.
Please note the catch: 1) hunting apparently "misplaced" by Air Force bases and destroy suspected hijacked passenger planes fly into the WTC towers, 2) George W. Bush 's seemingly nonchalant reaction insensitive Andrew Card announced that a plane had hit the first tower of the WTC, 3) Aincriminating statement made by Bush during a press conference in California a few months after 9 / 11, which was the first World Trade Center Tower antenna impact on television, first brought to the elementary school classroom in Florida, 4) The dismissal of synthesis a federal action looked to San Francisco attorney Stanley Hilton for more than a hundred 9 / Families / 11 victims against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condilezza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, not on the basis of "lack of evidence", but ratherof "sovereign immunity". Stanley Hilton has dismissed the appeal on the basis of sovereign immunity that would otherwise have been brought in federal court (like the OJ Simpson civil procedure), based on the preponderance of the credible evidence indicates the president has decided to San Francisco federal judge Susan Illston that a permanent President of the United States, what he or she can do, want to commit mass murder, and a common citizen does not raise legal standing to request damages. AndBush incriminating off-the-cuff statement in California, the only known video of the first World Trade Center tower antenna effect of days spent in the camera for the person who watch the video. On the facts, it was first broadcast in fifteen hours after it was found. So, if Bush had a video of the effects the first time in the air, has a deal with a communications network, which was expected or simulated, which would be attacked.
Let us now go tobold statements of the prosecutor Stanley Hilton, former chief of staff for Senator Bob Dole to live as it appeared after the dismissal of his study on the Alex Jones Radio Show. It 'true that Hilton actually attended and graduated from the University of Chicago and who was a contemporary of neocon Paul Wolfowitz. Hilton also personally knew Dr. Leo Strauss, advocated the pro-fascist professor, turning the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a"Glow-Pearl Harbor-like event." With an imperial presidency, the purpose of neoconservatism would eventually be realized, that is, the gradual creation of a new world political order, so that the subjugation of a sovereign state governments and economies, particularly the United States, the capitalism under one flag of companies worldwide. In other words, create such a system and maintain an economic system of castes, which is essentially the life of the American middle class, control andespecially the poor, worthless through the manipulation of inflation to floating paper currency, as the Federal Reserve Notes.
That's not all, folks. Presidential dictatorship lives mostly on a fear illusory, inculcated in the masses, the common enemy, and the exaggerated amorphous concept of "national security". The best historical example of this scheme is that of Nazi Germany and the enthusiastic support of the German people for Hitler's invasion of Poland andFrance. Hitler skillfully manufactured alleged Polish attack across the border with Germany in 1939 and made the German people to believe and fear that Poland is really a direct security threat to Germany. Professor Leo Strauss, advocated a plan for the federal government to embrace, and Paul Wolfowitz swallowed all these words of the fascist ideology, a project. Some people who are willing and not afraid to speak their minds have described Wolfowitz as the master planner of the unjustpreventive invasion of Iraq.
Against this terrible September day of shame in 2001, Stanley Hilton was a successful lawyer in San Francisco with a thriving law practice. His professional credentials speak for themselves and to provide clear scientific perfectly capable of some very skilled in the disciplines law, journalism and business. With a degree from the University of Chicago, Hilton went on to earn a law degree at Duke University. Then continuedan MA from John Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, and then take a Master of Arts in journalism from the University of North Carolina. In 1979, Hilton participated successfully an MBA from Harvard Business School. So we are talking about a nut when it comes to Hilton and its allegations against the federal executive branch? I do not think, but rather an insider of the government, the special knowledge, has experience, and the stubborn arrogance of the publiclaunch, risking their lives in the wealthy wealthier, seemingly untouchable, the conspirators responsible for the massacre occurred on 9 / 11
Alex Jones Radio Show in September 2004, Hilton has revealed the results of interviews with high-intensity honest with FBI agents, officers receive FEMA and other federal agents, who knew what had actually occurred on 9 / 11 has done it clear that its action, which more than a hundred in 9 / 11 victims families, against Bush, Cheney, Rice,et al, has been documented directly based on irrefutable evidence, not mere speculation, it was Bush and his associates for the many deaths that have occurred in the program on that fateful day. Also publicly exposed the despicable illegal coercion used by Federal Judge Susan Illston, and Attorney General John Ashcroft's Justice Department, to force him to abandon the action. When Illston clear they could not force may, Hilton, down class action, which arrogantly dismissed the appeal onBasis of sovereign immunity.
After careful analysis of the facts of what really happened immediately before, during and immediately after 9 / 11, particularly the facts presented by Dr. David Ray Griffin, in his book "The New Pearl Harbor: disturbing questions about the 'Bush Administration and 9 / 11, appears as "Stanley Hilton statements and claims to ring true. Griffin, but the basis for his book out of production on an independent investigation of the French 9 / 11 than any other fact-finding missionThe efforts of the official United States Government, for there were more than a few French citizens who were interested in the collapse of the towers of the WTC killed. And people in France, probably tired of playing, only the useless capricious, that the 9 / 11 Commission Report was. However, Hilton said it has made explicit statements of federal officials who gave their lives for the truth at stake, and official documents, he knows that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, designed, tested several times, and orderedeffective plan in the fall of the WTC and the Pentagon on 9 / 11 is a good question to ask is, exactly how you feel safer and 98 percent that your position has been the president guilty of mass murder, and that part Office 2008 to respond, without too much for his crimes. I do not know how to do it for you, but I doubt more than a little perturbed '. I would be absolutely furious.
When President George H. Bush, the son of banker and Nazi sympathizers, Prescott Bush, said,to the public in 1990 on a new world order, has made indirect reference to the tragedy that occurs in turn eleven years later, he would totally American republic would be in an extended imperial presidency? It was the reign of Bill Clinton as president only eight years, the transitional regime, which would introduce a buffer in eight years of George W. Bush 's Executive fascism? From where I am, I can not see what all happened conspiracy of Bush's mandate until 11 September, as aProduct of only nine months of the plan to defraud. He had long before the presidential elections of 2000 have begun. In an essay I wrote for the Seattle Times in 2005, I declared that history would ultimately judge whether George W. Bush & Company were and are, a mass murderess. However, rethinking the apathy and indifference, no doubt fill the minds of readers for decades, those who scan the pages of history books and think quick guide to a man who was long dead, who reallyresponsible for thousands of needless American casualties, I pray that Bush as an act of accusation, trial and punishment by God before the fire of hell.
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