Recently, my seven-City Cross-Canada Seminar Tour Calgary, I was asked by my sponsor that I speak of his group, the group of his son. I said yes. What I did not know was her child group was a group of 10-year-olds in a grade three classes in Alberta.
On the way to school, I planned my presentation. Since this was the first time that the law of attraction for non-adults, some of my classes taught NLP (Neuro-Linguistic told) me that I need to find the conversationThe children at their level, are entertaining and have them participate.
When adults, I use words like the phenomenon of vibration, synchronicity, serendipity and chance. So what I could, then, that also affect the children? I decided to open a conversation about vibes. What does the word and what some examples?
The students quickly raised their hands in the air. These are some examples that I have heard:
(a) If my mother has not had his coffee, shenegative mood.
(b) When my parents fight at home, I feel a negative mood.
(c) When I see a bat in the school, I feel a negative mood.
(d) Where, in a building that gives me a dark scary negative mood.
These guys knew exactly what moods are willing and negative mood was one negative is not a good way to win friends and nice people.
Next I have a picture of a light switch on the board that shows the power positions. "On" meansThey were negative, and "off" meant that one does not. After students have decided that it was better to positive or negative, I asked if he wanted to learn to turn a negative mood. Excitedly said yes.
I asked her to write these three words in their notebooks, not, not, and no, and asked for examples of these words have in their lives. You can bet they had quite a list to give me. Here are some examples:
(a) It is not too late.
(b) Do not waste yourDirty clothes.
(c) Not to beat your brother.
(d) Do not talk with his mouth full.
(e) Do not spill the milk.
(f) Do not cry.
(g) Do not play ball in the house.
(h does not eat), drink, or computer.
I then taught them a secret. "They loved them, wanted to know a secret. It 'was my strategy to give them a secret, so they treat it as something special and really remember. I told them it was a secret his parentsperhaps do not know. And with this mystery, which could help change the negative vibrations to positive ones.
Students learned that the secret of passing on their state of mind when you hear, or think they do not, and no, just say: Well, what I want? And, of course, who diligently wrote the answer to the mystery.
Did - and fast! I knew he would come home, like want to connect to this message with their parents in touch. So I remembered she had a secret, and insweet tell others. In this way, the next time their parents say no, and no, the kids might say, "Well, what do you want?"
When the day finished school, the teacher who was also in my presentation, a final comment on its base class, like every Friday - "Do not forget your homework. The kids had fun with this. Quickly the teacher asked, "So, what do you want?" And, of course, he says, "Remember to do your job."
For meThis experience was very valuable. Many people have asked me to teach or write about the law of attraction for teenagers or children, and always the same answer. Somehow, because I have no children. But I learned that young people can start very quickly. Cheryl, thanks for your confidence in me on the law of attraction, which teach 10-years old son and his classmates.
I will hold a free teleclass for parents who want to discuss more about howtheir children and young people to learn how to use the law of attraction.
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