With the horrible financial crisis of last year, more and more people are becoming afraid of what will happen with their college degree that they worked so hard for. Some people who had college degrees found themselves working at fast food joints because they couldn't find other jobs that were related to what they went into in school. However, there were other people with degrees that have a totally set life because no matter how bad the economy got, they were needed in the professional field. Here are a few of those areas of work.
The medical field. It doesn't matter if no one has any money, people are always going to get sick and hurt which means that you are always going to have a job. Dentists are considered a part of the medical field, but they definitely don't get the same job security that doctors do. So, if you want a job that will always be secure, consider going into the medical field.
Law and politics. Although a few people may have been laid off during the recession, the majority of people in these two fields stayed in a very secure job standing. In times of a recession, the country needs more leadership and more lawyers to take care of the bad things that are going on. These are not luxury jobs that people can't afford, because these are jobs that will always be around. So, another great option to go into when you start working on your degree is either political science or law.
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