Words You Need to Know for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

เขียนโดย montana | 16:37

Although the LSAT does not explicitly test your vocabulary, you will encounter some words/phrases that you may only have a partial understanding of. While practicing on former LSAT tests, look up the exact definitions of words that you do not know or are unsure of. Here are some common terms/phrases that trip up LSAT test-takers:

"After all," - This phrase signifies an additional premise after the conclusion has already been stated. Thus, read "After all" as "Because". Be wary of this phrase when it appears in a main point question introducing the final sentence to a paragraph because it introduces an additional premise, not the author's conclusion. See LSAT PrepTest 49, Section 4, Question 16 for an example.

"unique" - In conversation, the term "unique" is often used as a combination of "interesting", "different", "neat", "creative", and "quirky". However, the word "unique" simply means the only one of its kind.

"viable" - You will see this used in two slightly different ways. First, you will see it used to mean "possible", such as a "viable alternative". Second, you will see this used to mean "live-able", such as in a passage with science content that discusses what percentage of a species' offspring are "viable".

"afford" - Often in conversation, this word refers to financial concerns. However, "afford" does not always refer to financial concerns; afford can refer to time, effort, or other factors. See LSAT PrepTest 49, Section 4, Question 21, Choice (C) for an example.

"truth", "true", "correct", "in fact", "prove" - Often in conversation, these terms are used to emphasize opinions, tastes, preferences. However, on the LSAT, if an author states that something is "true", then that author believes that the information's correctness is beyond dispute -- no opinions allowed. See LSAT PrepTest 48, Section 1, Question 3 and LSAT PrepTest 48, Section 4, Question 4 for examples. Likewise, terms such as "wrong", "incorrect", "false", or "disprove" mean that the author believes that something is indisputably wrong. See the conclusion of LSAT PrepTest 50, Section 4, Question 17.

"fail" - This is an extreme statement that something has not worked out at all. If a plan has partially succeeded, then it does not count as having failed. See (C) on LSAT PrepTest 50, Section 4, Question 20.

"same" - In conversation, this is often used as a synonym for similar, but an important distinction exists between the two. It's easy to forget to apply the exact definition of the word on the LSAT -- remember that "same" means that all details are exactly the same between two things. If only one tiny detail is just a little bit different in one thing, then the adjective "similar" applies. See (A) on LSAT PrepTest 48, Section 4, Question 22.

"evidence" - This is often used to mean specific facts -- numbers, dates, experiments -- to indisputably prove a point. However, the LSAT may use this to simply mean a premise in support of a conclusion.

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Notarios Providing Legal Services Constitutes Unlicensed Practice of Law

เขียนโดย montana | 14:42

Some people in Florida are confused as to what services a Latin American notary public - "notaria," "consultoria" or "notario publico" - can provide regarding immigration matters. In fact, these persons are not attorneys unless properly licensed to practice law in this state, and they should not be relied on for legal advice because they cannot give legal advice.

Numerous complaints have been received about persons of Hispanic descent who have been harmed after mistakenly seeking legal assistance from notaries who offer such services in immigration matters.

Sometimes there is no legal way to immigrate into this country, yet some notaries, without fear of punishment, obtain large fees for immigration counseling and perform no meaningful work for those fees or give incorrect legal advice.

In fact, the fees for most notary services in Florida are set by statute, and notaries are prohibited from practicing law in this state. No one is permitted to charge or accept fees for legal services which they cannot or will not perform.

Lawyers must obtain a college degree from a four-year university, score well on a national law school admissions test, study law for at least three years, graduate from law school, undergo a thorough investigation of moral character, and pass the state Bar examination which includes testing on ethics, state and federal law.

If lawyers fail to give proper advice, they can be subject to the full processes of the law. Immigration matters involve various important rights defined in the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, and competent legal advice from a licensed attorney is needed to understand these matters.

Florida notaries public, as opposed to lawyers, do not have any minimum educational requirement. They must be at least 18 years of age and a permanent Florida resident. They must submit a signed application with the appropriate fee, have two witnesses vouch for the applicant's good moral character, post a bond, and take an oath.

Matters as important as immigration - where you will live and under what form of government you will raise your family - should not be placed in the hands of an untrained person.

The Florida Notary and the Practice of Law

The Florida notary public certifies that deeds, affidavits, depositions and other writings are authentic or genuine. A Florida notary may also give oaths, make certificates of oaths, and perform marriages.

Notary publics cannot use their title (notario publico, notaria, consultoria) to imply that they are authorized to practice law. The law now prevents a literal translation of "notary public" into a language other than English in advertisements. If the advertisement is not in English, it must contain a disclaimer that states "I am not an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, and I may not give legal advice or accept fees for legal advice."

Notary publics cannot give legal advice; nor can they prepare immigration forms while holding themselves out as knowledgeable in immigration law and practice. They cannot draw up wills, contracts, leases, deeds or other documents that might affect your legal rights. This would be the practice of law, and notaries in Florida cannot practice law.

Anyone violating the state law which sets forth the requirements for a notary commission is guilty of a felony crime.

What can YOU do?

If you would like to know if someone is an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Florida, you may find out by contacting The Florida Bar, 651 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300, (850) 561-5600 or (800) 342-8060 (toll free). Ask for membership records.

For more information about notaries in Florida, contact the Bureau of Notaries Public, Secretary of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32301, telephone (850) 488-7521.

Finally, if you or someone you know has been misled or harmed by a person who is not a licensed Florida attorney, contact The Florida Bar, Unlicensed Practice of Law Division-Miami Branch, (305) 377-4445; Ft. Lauderdale Branch, (954) 772-2245; Tampa Branch, (813) 875-9821; Orlando Branch, (407) 425-5424; Tallahassee Branch, (850) 561-5840.

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NYU Film School - A Review

เขียนโดย montana | 13:23

I obtained the BFA in Film Production from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. As someone who has also attended USC's Film School as well as having taken classes at UCLA's Film Program, I thought I could offer some good perspective of what I thought of each and start with the one I spent the most time at: NYU.

The Location

NYU's film school is located in Greenwich Village on the island of Manhattan in New York City. Going to school in such an urban location offers both positives and negatives. On a positive note, New York City is your campus and therefore you are in the mix of all the limitless cafes, stores, famous locations, iconic neighborhoods and interesting New York personalities that the city is famous for.

On the negative side, also, New York City is your campus so you don't have the 'protected campus experience' you would have at a school with a closed off dedicated campus. In my opinion I viewed living, taking classes and making films in NYC to be a tremendous advantage. Where else would you get such great inspiration and material to draw from than in one of the greatest cities in the world. The only negative would be if you wanted to get out of the city to shoot or just to get some quiet away from the hustle of the city. It's hard to keep a car in the city without spending a fortune but subways and trains can take you just about anywhere you need to go affordably.

The Curriculum

NYU Film School's curriculum consists of classes in all the major areas of the filmmaking process. There are classes in sound, editing, writing, television technology and finally group classes where you make films together in small crews. Generally, as you move through the program the projects you work on become more complex. In beginning film classes you might make black and white 8mm or short videos.

As you progress you make longer and more complex projects and can choose between experimental type or narrative films. Generally students are given a certain amount of tape or film stock and the basic equipment such as lights and dollies that one would need. If a student wishes to make something that requires more complex props and/or equipment then they need to provide the funding themselves.

Generally, every student that wants to can direct their own films with other students acting as crew members on their films and vice versa. NYU has a good selection of equipment. It is not always the latest technology and technology changes so frequently, especially when it comes to video, but in general you won't be lacking for anything. They have ample editing facilities running from old steenbeck for film splicing to computer systems for use of final draft and adobe premier. Again, if a student wishes to shoot more footage than the school is willing to supply film or video for the student can pay for additional developing, etc.

The Professors

Generally I found the professors to be competent with a few 'exceptional' ones thrown in. They are all working professionals with some more successful than others. In some classes you also have guest lecturers and occasionally famous alumni will teach a class such as Spike Lee or Woody Allen. Each week the school hosts film screenings and the director or producers of the film will show up to discuss with the class and take questions about how the film was put together and the history of making the film. These are great opportunities to network with successful alumni and often previous graduates of the program show up to watch these screenings so they are a great way to make contacts.

After Graduation.

Where I felt the NYU Film Program fell a little short was in career planning and direction. They didn't dedicate a whole lot of time to teaching you how to build a career after you graduated. This is one of the flaws I have found in most film programs. Luckily, NYU has so many graduates that work in the industry that if you are proactive you should easily be able to find successful graduates willing to sit down and speak with you about your 'after graduation' game plan.

In recent years the school has been good at building up its active alumni organization on both the East and West coasts so whether you decide to be based in New York or Los Angeles you can utilize this resource to create a network for yourself which is very important. Overall, I found the NYU Film School experience to be a good one for those wanting a generalized education in different aspects of filmmaking before embarking on a career.

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The Path to a Medical Profession

เขียนโดย montana | 09:47

The path to becoming a registered nurse will differ from state to state. Each state has its own rules and regulations that govern practitioners. Each state has some form of educational requirements that must be met prior to becoming a full fledged practitioner.

Many colleges that offer nursing programs will tailor their course of instruction to meet the minimum requirements needed for licensing in the state which the school operates. Once an approved course of study has been completed, a pre-license examination is usually administered by the licensing authority for nurses in their respective states. No matter how well the student manages to do in his or her nursing school program, a person is not authorized to practice nursing until all state required examinations have been passed and all required licensing fees have been paid.

There are many jobs available in the medical profession for a registered nurse. Options include working in a large scale hospital or working for a general practitioner in private practice. Most are assigned to work in general practice immediately following their schooling before given the option to specialize in a field of medicine which interests them. Specialized fields include emergency room practice, operating room practice, pediatrics, school nursing, dentistry, optometry, podiatry, and many more. If there is a doctor who specializes in one specific aspect of medicine then there is more than likely a nurse by the doctor's side assisting every step of the way.

Many practitioners also decide to become private contractors who work for themselves or for a small agency providing in home care for patients who have difficulty caring for themselves, like the elderly or victims of traumatic injuries that limit mobility.

Practitioners may also decide to enter the mental health field, helping psychiatrists and psychologists treat mentally ill patients.

The work of a nurse is not easy and can often require odd hours with varying shift and on call requirements. It takes a very special person to decide to become a nurse. A student must be knowledgeable, patient, and willing to help the doctors they are assigned to and the patients who are assigned to them. A practitioner must be selfless and willing to put the needs of their patient above the needs of themselves. Appreciation may not always be offered for the dedicated practitioner but it should be known that appreciation is always warranted.

Practitioners are a very important part of the medical profession that make sure patients receive the highest level of care possible. Nurses are a necessary part of any hospital or private practice because they keep operations running smoothly by freeing up the time of doctors and assisting doctors in their treatment of hospital patients.

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Lemon Law Attorneys - Do You Need Lemon Law Information?

เขียนโดย montana | 08:02

If you are looking for lemon law information, you probably know that these laws were created to protect the consumer from what are called faulty vehicles. We may have other names for these cars and trucks that we have purchased that fall apart for seemingly no reason after we have purchased them. Here are some simple suggestions to follow in case you are researching lemon laws.

The first thing that most people need to understand is that you probably cannot file a lawsuit on your own. You need to have a complete understanding of what lemon laws are and filing a lawsuit usually requires retaining a lawyer. It is actually not an easy job to sue a manufacturer unless you have the proper help. This is where an attorney comes in.

There are many competent lemon law lawyers that are available. In fact, they are looking for new clients on a daily basis. The trick is educating yourself first so that when you talk to them, you will understand the language that they will present to you and be on a more even playing field.

The reason that you want to do this is their are many law firms that state their company can serve you the best. However, you will not know this unless you have done a little research and found information on your own. This does not mean that she will be more competent than any attorney, but at least you will understand the language presented and be able to make an educated decision on which one to choose.

The reason you want to be legally represented is that these companies and their employees have experience in this field. They will be able to tell whether or not an automobile is a lemon, or if it is simply having a regular malfunction. None of them want to waste their time and efforts on a case that they have no chance of winning.

Law firms that handle these cases will look at a variety of vehicles including trucks, SUVs, minivans, and ordinary cars that you may have in question. They will also look at campers, motorcycles, boats, and even jet skis. Make sure that you ask the right questions to make sure that they are competent in all areas, especially the one that is affecting you.

The other thing that a good lawyer will provide is the ability to negotiate a higher level and achieve the results. Obviously, attorneys have been to law school and have learned how to handle these situations over several decades. The way that they determine whether or not you are a good candidate for them is through a questionnaire asking about your current situation.

Many states allow you to recover the fees that you will spend when hiring legal aid. The ones that sue under the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act will allow you to receive fees that you have paid out if the case goes in your favor.

Regardless of which one would you choose, you want to be sure that they are licensed and well known. Don't choose an upstart that has no experience in the courtroom or with this particular situation. Finding information on lemon laws is your very first step toward winning a legal battle, but in the end, to make sure you are victorious, you will want to choose a competent lemon law attorney.

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Compelling Mystery, Friendship, and Redemption - When You Reach Me - 2010 Newbery Medal Winner

เขียนโดย montana | 06:38

Miranda--the protagonist of the 2010 Newbery Medal winner When You Reach Me --is a twelve-year-old latchkey kid living with her single mom in New York City in the 1970s. She's smart, she's funny, and she reads only one book: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. Her mother--a would-be lawyer with a keen sense of justice--was forced to drop out of law school when she had Miranda. Now she works unhappily as a paralegal and dreams of winning the game show The $20,000 Pyramid so she can quit her job.

Miranda has lost her best friend, Sal, who lives in her apartment building. One day, while the two of them were walking home from school, a neighborhood kid named Marcus punched Sal, and from that day on Sal just seemed to drift away: he no longer waits to walk with Miranda, and he refuses even to look at her when they bump into each other. In the confusing void left by Sal, Miranda strikes up new friendships with Annemarie--who was recently ditched by her sometimes-snotty best friend Julia--and Colin, "this short kid who seemed to end up in my class every year" (p. 54). The three of them get lunchtime jobs together at the local sandwich shop, Jimmy's, and bond over cheese sandwiches with smelly pickles.

One day Miranda finds her apartment mysteriously unlocked after school, and the spare key missing from its hiding spot, unnerving both her and her mother. Shortly thereafter Miranda receives the following mysterious note:

"This is hard. Harder than I expected, even with your help. But I have been practicing, and my preparations go well. I am coming to save your friend's life, and my own. I ask two favors. First, you must write me a letter. Second, please remember to mention the location of your house key. The trip is a difficult one. I will not be myself when I reach you" (p. 60).

Miranda continues to receive notes like this--four in all--each as eerie and enigmatic as the first. The notes set her a mystery to unravel: Who is sending the notes? What kind of trip is the sender planning to take? Which of Miranda's friends will be saved? And from what? And what's with that crazy homeless guy on the corner that sleeps with his head under the mailbox? These questions, along with the rift between Miranda and Sal, drive the story forward.

Many things make this book appealing. The first, of course, is the mystery: the reader is as intent on solving it as Miranda is. Stead gives the mystery depth beyond the mere content of the notes by lacing the book with the science fiction theme of time travel. The most obvious way this theme shows up is in conversations Miranda has with certain friends--in particular Marcus, a math and physics prodigy who thinks time travel is theoretically possible. However, time travel is also woven into the book via Miranda's attachment to L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time, a book in which the protagonist, Meg, travels through time to save her family members. (Incidentally, Stead says in the acknowledgements that L'Engle's books captivated her as a child.)

Despite the compelling mystery, though, When You Reach Me is most deeply about friendship. Specifically, the novel addresses the question of how to hold on to old friendships without stifling them, and it insightfully brings out the stabilizing effect that new friendships can have in the effort to preserve or reclaim old ones. Though I refrain from specifics here in order not to spoil the plot, the novel's narrative reflections on friendship are extremely thoughtful and resonant. This theme of friendship will speak deeply to tweens navigating the frequently tumultuous social world of middle school.

The book is also just very clever. For example, as I already noted, Miranda's mother wants to win on The $20,000 Pyramid. The final part of the game show is called the "Winner's Circle", in which a set of objects is described to the contestant and she is required to say what category the objects belong to. For example, if the objects were "a tube of toothpaste, someone's hand" the contestant would say "things you squeeze" (p. 39). Stead cleverly titles most of the chapters in the book with categories like that, such as "Things You Keep in a Box," "Things That Go Missing," and "Things You Hide." And sure enough, Stead puts objects in each chapter that fit into these titular categories. After a while, it became a fun extra game to find what the "things that smell" or "things that kick" were in the chapter I was reading!

In addition to these factors that give When You Reach Me subjective appeal, the book is developmentally valuable for young readers. In particular, the book communicates hopeful positive messages about some of life's most important themes. Indeed, it seems to be part of Stead's explicit purpose to lift, for a moment, the "veil" that generally hides from us "the world as it really is," in all its "beauty, and cruelty, and sadness, and love" (p. 71). In other words, part of Stead's aim is to inspire truthful but hopeful reflection on some of the things that matter most in life.

Stead's elevation of the value of friendship is perhaps the most important and striking example of what makes this book good for tweens. Her focus on the deep importance of friendship is a welcome counter-weight to the catty, superficial social culture typical of middle school.

The possibility of redemption is another developmentally valuable theme that Stead explores in the novel. For example, the book builds toward second chances for Miranda's mother--both vocationally, and relationally. Similarly, Miranda has a redemptive conversion in the way she views and treats her classmates Julia and Alice Evans. Whereas before she viewed Julia simply as a competitor for Annemarie's affection, and Alice as the weird kid who waited too long to go to the bathroom, toward the end of the book Miranda's veil is suddenly removed, revealing Julia as Annemarie's faithful friend, and Alice as an insecure outsider. This insight gives Miranda new compassion and kindness toward both of them.

In sum, When You Reach Me is a fantastic book for children aged nine years and up. Not only does it engage interesting themes bundled into a compelling mystery, but it elevates friendship and redemption, and thereby encourages the right sort of values in tweens.

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Never Underestimate the Power of Great Speeches!

เขียนโดย montana | 03:43

If you have ever wondered about the power of oratory, or thought its impact has been blunted somehow in the age of mass media sound bites and Internet twitters, I suggest you pay closer attention to recent dramatic events on the world stage.

Specifically, two critical changes occurred in the Middle East immediately following President Obama's speech, delivered in Egypt.

Moderates unexpectedly defeated Hezbollah in a democratic election in Lebanon, and Iran's election has been hotly contested through recurring, massive public protests.

Could a single speech accomplish both of these significant outcomes? Indirectly, yes.

Obama has made two clear points in his oratory, in the Cairo talk and previously: (1) America is not at war with Islam, yet it will not tolerate terrorism conducted in that faith's name; and (2) America seeks a new, non-adversarial relationship with the Middle East, and is willing to conduct an ongoing dialogue, not a bombastic monologue, to accomplish that outcome.

The election aftermaths in Lebanon and Iran are implicitly demonstrating that citizens in those countries are interested in pursuing alternatives to their governments' pugilistic policies.

This is a very hopeful sign to anyone that values the prospect of ushering in an era of diplomacy and tranquility to the region.

It is probably a more dramatic impact than President Obama could have ever anticipated.

But we may look back on Obama's efforts as we do the speeches of President Kennedy and President Reagan at the Berlin Wall, presaging an end to that barrier's existence, and the intractable, hostile stalemate it symbolized.

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Essays About the Presidential Election in Admissions

เขียนโดย montana | 12:07

I've had a few people ask me whether they should write about the Presidential election and how it is has shaped their lives. The answer is: if you can do it effectively without it being too clichéd, then yes - it can be an acceptable topic. All too often, however, students let the election season take over their college applications- writing fervently for either Obama or McCain without any substance; they forget to come up with a solid theme about themselves. Don't fall victim to such poor writing.

Writing an essay, whether it be for prep school, college or graduate admissions, requires students take an inimitable approach. You must write with clarity, consistency and care.

For example, the following essay is a sample of bad writing on the election:

"I'm supporting ______ candidate because we need change. Change is a good thing for America. Just look at the last 8 years; when I was in middle school students and teachers thought we were heading in the right direction."

Why does this essay start off bad? Well, for one, it is about a concept, i.e. "Change," which can be difficult to bring down to a tangible level where the audience can see how it has shaped your life. Instead, start broadly and narrow the concept into a form where the reader/audience knows where you're heading with the topic. Further, supplement any political writing with solid examples of your participation in the election process.

Here's an example of a better essay with more substance:

"Having volunteered in a local phone drive for __________ candidate, I have heard the voices of people desiring change; I want to be part of this change. I took part in the electoral process because I feel our government is too large and our individual voices are all too often drowned out by special interests and lobbyists."

These two parallel examples - one bad, one good- hopefully clarify the essay topic of the Presidential election or any election for that matter. If you have volunteered before or been an active part of any local, state or federal campaign, tell the admissions office, be specific and bring any abstract topic such as change down to a manageable level. You don't want to sound clichéd like many political ads airing across the nation. Bring substance, candor and care to your essay and you're bound to connect more with your audience.

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Drowning Accident - Should You Sue?

เขียนโดย montana | 03:33

A drowning accident can occur to just about anyone. Sadly there are a large number of drowning accidents every year. A drowning accident can happen quickly. This can happen in a variety of ways including accidental falling, jumping the wrong way, getting trapped into materials or drainage systems, or simply a lack of strength.

Several types of injury may result from accidents like this, including head and neck trauma or -- in the extreme -- drowning. If any of type of drowning accident or other swimming related incident occurs, you may need legal help. Negligence or because of defective equipment often cause accidents.

Have you or a family member been injured in a swimming accident? Has anyone close to you died in a drowning accident recently? Depending on the circumstances you might be eligible for compensation Prevalence may be awarded to coat tenderness and distress, wounded, as well as existing and prospect fiscal fatalities and health check operating cost. You are going to find it necessary to hire an attorney with experience to assist you with your case.

It is not always easy to get the compensation you deserve. While you may have lost a loved one in a drowning accident, the responsible party may not want to offer compensation. This might have an outcome in which you open a lawsuit looking for compensation for the incident that happened.

Legal advice should be sought immediately when you lose a loved one in a drowning accident. There is a specific time period that you have to go after the damages caused by this accident. Depending on where you reside, you may have only a year or two to file a lawsuit. Picking a reputable and exeprienced lawyer to explain the details of your case is an essential first step.

The first meeting with most attorneys will not cost you anything. In this meeting, they can help you figure out what options you have. The losses suffered by your family may also be sought in litigation. They can advise you on how to proceed.

Choosing an attorney must be done very cautiously and wisely. Search for a qualified lawyer who is an expert in such matters. Be sure they are experienced and can provide the assistance you require. In your local community ask for recommendations. Then meet with the attorney yourself. Determine if they, as well as their staff, are able to meet your needs in cases of drowning accidents.

Among the many things in your mind right now, the thought of rendering services of an attorney is probably nonexistent. If a drowning accident has occurred, you have approach a lawyer who can at least get a compensation for the loss of the loved one. Grieving can become more difficult with debt and medical costs hanging over your head; a qualified drowning accident attorney should be capable of addressing these issues.

Protecting yourself or your loved ones from a drowning accident is the best thing you can do by careful supervision. However, should you have to go through the heartache of someone drowning, you can consult an attorney who can help with getting the proper compensation you are entitled to by law.

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Two Faces of Grief - The 2009 Angels & Dodgers

เขียนโดย montana | 21:03

At some point in our lives, each of us faces the loss of someone or something that means a lot to us.

The result is we feel an emotion known as "grief." This can bring about a long lasting funk in which we operate at sub-par capacity.

What happens when pro sports teams are besieged by grief? In a word, they LOSE more often than they should, until they have worked through grief's distinctive stages.

Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross named five stages of grief people go through following a serious loss. If they succeed in traversing through this difficult journey, they arrive at the fifth stage, "acceptance," and are then able to move on with their lives and careers, sometimes with a greater sense of purpose, resolve, appreciation, and even success.

The Los Angeles Angels lost one of their rookie pitchers in a tragic car crash as the 2009 season just got underway. Understandably, teammates were shaken by this experience, and they played below their capabilities, sinking quickly to the bottom of their division.

The Los Angeles Dodgers just lost their marquis hitter, Manny Ramirez, for fifty games due to his suspension for failing a drug test. His team quickly surrendered their next two games in a row, snapping a record setting series of 13 wins at home to start the 2009 campaign.

If Kubler-Ross's model is correct, what can we expect to see from the Angels and Dodgers as the 2009 season unfolds? She said there are five stages of grief in all, consisting of:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression.
5. Acceptance.

Stage one is the "We don't need him to win" boast. A team consists of a few dozen or more players, so one of them, however potent, doesn't win a championship without a lot of consistent help. Still, a key player like Ramirez affects the entire offense, especially when opposing pitchers realize the full implications of no longer having that dreaded bat coming up against them four times in a contest.

When a team's offensive output stalls, as the Dodgers' did last night, scoring a single run only, the Denial state is over. "Maybe, he is more important to winning than we thought" becomes the perception.

Anger kicks in. "How could he abandon us this way?" becomes the question. This stage ushers in feelings of despondency, but not complete helplessness. Anger is energizing, and it can even lead to fighting back, a flurry of victories, showing the absent, "We can make it without you!"

But reality is relentless, and the losses loom larger. The team starts Bargaining with management to trade for a hitter than can close the gap. Not paying Manny's salary during the suspension "frees-up" seven million dollars, which can go a long way to securing a temporary replacement, or so the argument goes.

But management shifts responsibility back to the players to "Pick up the slack."

Seeing there isn't an easy fix, that their unfortunate condition will persist, and their competitive advantage is compromised, Depression sinks in, and the team experiences a prolonged slump, barely winning a third of its games.

At some point, having plummeted in the standings, the team appreciates what it has been through, accepts that it needs to regroup and redouble its efforts, and begins the slow climb back to respectability and recovery.

Kubler-Ross's model would predict the Angels will make a full recovery, ironically, because the loss of their player to death is conclusive, final. He isn't coming back, and nothing can bring him back.

Manny is scheduled to return, so the grief-work process will be, at best, truncated; less than complete.
This may be a boon or a burden, because in Kubler-Ross's world, there is no returning to the status quo ante.

She studied "death and dying," not resurrection.

Having Manny back may feel temporary, and this could bring persistent anxiety and a fear of future loss.

Like a parent that enters and exits a child's life without any predictability, Manny's presence could do more harm than good, never letting the grief, along with its attendant misgivings, ever completely dissipate.

Manager Joe Torre, in a moment of fairly astonishing intuition, said the "healing process" over Manny's situation, needs to begin. Sadly, that may not occur until the slugger is completely out of the picture.

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I AM My Supervisor!

เขียนโดย montana | 17:39

There is a scene in the very interesting movie, "Crash," where a character played by Matt Dillon demands to speak to someone's supervisor.

Having some good personal reasons to resist this demand, the person he's speaking to replies: "I AM my supervisor!"

It's arrogant, a power play, and not what we expect from someone who is in a customer service capacity.

Because of the dramatic tension that has been established between the characters, we can relate to her stonewalling. She actually has a reason to resist--to say, no, you're going to have to deal with ME, buddy!

But usually, blockades like this are harmful, and they degrade everybody associated with a customer conflict.

I recall the time I was trying to withdraw some cash from a savings account. The teller, who may or may not have been having a bad day, hassled me. I remarked:

"This is not my idea of great customer service."

She shot back: "I'll have you know, I give GREAT customer service!"

Finally, the transaction was completed, but the defensive nature of the exchange stayed with me, and it may have festered in her.

Which, of course, is too bad.

There was a time when I learned that "The customer is always right."

This expression is not, technically, correct, as we all know.

The guy, who tried to return a truck tire to Nordstrom, for a complete refund, was not in the right. Nordstrom never sold truck tires, so his claim to a refund was bogus.

Yet, he got a refund, nonetheless, because that department store believed in the idea that, for practical purposes, he's right.

Why argue, creating ill will, and losing any chance at his future patronage?

At least once, when I have asked for someone's supervisor, the next person on the line definitely sounded like a peer, not someone in charge.

I asked, "Are you really a supervisor; does he report to you?" to which I received a reply that indicated he wasn't, after all.

He misrepresented his status to protect his pal.

The unstated law of business is this: Everybody answers to somebody else. And if he refuses to answer to customers, to uphold the tacit agreement that the customer is always right, then he'll have his day of reckoning.

It's called, accountability. Without it, government officials and company insiders are out of line.

Someone may escape accountability today, through stonewalling, misrepresentation, or intimidation. But sooner or later, the marketplace will punish him.

Because, ultimately, the customer always IS right.

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Zen & The Art of Cold Calling

เขียนโดย montana | 00:08

If you want to make cold calling a peak experience instead of a trek into the emotional depths, there are five things to consider:

(1) Peak experiences, blissful episodes, feeling in the groove, on the beam, in the mood, and in the zone, depend on something called "Flow." It is organizing your work so it gently but fluidly proceeds, from one part of a conversation to the next, and from one call to another. The baseball batter who sees the ball well and feels he cannot do anything but hit it solidly, is flowing. The first violinist at the symphony is in the same rapture when he forgets about the audience and lets the music flow through his fingers.

(2) Winning and losing, being accepted or rejected, earning the sale or not, shouldn't matter. If you're too "end result" oriented, you'll sound desperate and less than fully in control. Appreciate the Law of Large Numbers, also the title of my Nightingale-Conant audio seminar, which says if you do enough of anything, including cold calling, you're bound to succeed. Do more and you'll get rich. Surpass that, and you'll become a legend.

(3) Cold calling is no more or less "professional" than any endeavor. If you succumb to negative stereotypes about this activity, or about selling in general, you'll unconsciously sabotage your efforts. As management legend and my professor, the late Peter F. Drucker said, "We don't succeed in what we don't respect."

(4) Appreciate the wonder, the simplicity and at the same time the complexity of communicating, one to one, as we do over the phone. To me, it's endlessly interesting, and always new and teaching me important lessons. Each new contact is a relationship in microcosm, with a beginning, middle, and end. And depending on your call volume, you might have as many as fifty or a hundred relationships come together in a single day.

(5) Yes, your purpose in cold calling is to make a sale or to prospect or to set an appointment. Still, as author Robert Pirsig pointed out in his amazing novel, ZEN & THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE, the motorcycle you're working on, when its engine is purring along or in pieces, "is yourself." Who you become in the process of cold calling is by far more important than any sale you'll make.

Pirsig found a certain amount of enlightenment in his motorcycle trek with his son. Cold calling can get you there, too, if you're ready for the journey.

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Right on Time, Here's Manny!

เขียนโดย montana | 16:48

The Dodgers have just lost two of their last three-game sets, against the Chicago White Sox and the Seattle Mariners.

This is a season-first. They're hoping it is a last, with the impending return to eligibility of Manny Ramirez, the slugger that is coming off a 50 game suspension.

On July 3, Manny can play once again in his Dodgers uniform.

Will he be up to it? Recall for a second, that this season started late for Manny, who was tardy in getting to spring training, because the ink wasn't dry on his near-record high contract.

Before arriving, he predicted he'd be at "50%" efficiency. Then, he was slapped with his suspension.

His head may be in the game when he shows up again just before the All-Star break, but will his body be cooperating?

It probably doesn't matter, because the Dodgers need to be awoken from their sudden stupor. The mere presence of the bright-lights-big-city grin of Dr. Dreadlocks could do the trick, in snapping the men in blue out of their complacency.

The Dodgers still can boast about having the best overall record in baseball, so what's the worry? It's about momentum, and a team doesn't want to go into the mid-season break on the downslope, especially while other teams like the San Francisco Giants are trending up.

Manny has a chance to carry the team emotionally, while they pick him up, physically.

It's a good match, what winning teams do, especially under pressure.

Even without scattering hits and homers Manny can have a great impact, simply by being there.

His timing couldn't be better!

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Top Law Schools - What Are They?

เขียนโดย montana | 06:48

Law is a very interesting subject that has applications in a variety of field. Most people hear about criminal law but there are several other areas like corporate law. It is not necessary that you need to get into criminal law only; you can always choose an area of law that interests you the most. Once you have decided that you want to pursue law as a career, you will need to look for the top law schools. Why top law schools?

Enrolling into top schools will make all the difference between where you are in your career 10 years from hence. There are plenty of advantages offered by the top law schools as compared to any average school. You will have better in-school facilities, full fledged library, experienced teaching staff or faculty, and not to forget: job placement opportunities. Most of the top schools in the US offer campus interviews for job placement even before you have completed your course.

Here's a list of 10 top law schools in the US in 2010:
1. Yale University (CT)
2. Harvard U (MA)
3. Stanford U (CA)
4. Columbia U (NY)
5. New York U 11
6. UC Berkeley (Boalt)
7. U Chicago 4
8. U Pennsylvania
9. U Michigan-Ann Arbor
10. Duke U (NC)

If you are applying to the top schools, then you need to first evaluate them. Most such schools invest a lot of time as well as effort on evaluation of their prospective students. Similarly, you need to evaluate a school as well on the basis of certain parameters. One of the important parameters is enrollment/student body.

You need to consider the academic qualifications of a law school's student body. It is always a better option to opt for a law college where you will be intellectually challenged by your classmates. Hence, you need to choose programs where your own qualifications are not too different from those of the other students. You should also enquire about the diversity of the law schools student body. Try to find out if the majority of the students are of the same age, sex, race etc. Differences in student's thinking can be a great benefit to learning.

It is also important that you find out the total number of students being enrolled in the top schools of your choice from year to year. The top schools offer a wider selection of programs and hence the student intake is also higher. Another salient point of top law schools is that they offer a wide variety of extracurricular programs, a bigger library, and several student services. The size of the school should always be considered but it should also remain a personal consideration. There are some students who prefer bigger schools while there are others who prefer a smaller community.

Last but not the least, always find out about the faculty of the law school. You can access information regarding the faculty of a particular law school by checking the current edition of the Association of American Law Schools' Directory of Law Teachers. This book is available in most of the law libraries in the US. The more learned and experienced the faculty, the more enlightening your experience will be.

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Mortuary Schools

เขียนโดย montana | 21:38

Mortuary Schools instruct in a specialized field that provides essential services for every community, in every state. Few professions provide a greater sense of service than funeral service. Funeral directors are caregivers in their communities, and many of them feel that offering compassion and guidance to people in crisis can be a rewarding and gratifying profession.

Training in mortuary services may be found in community colleges, colleges, and universities. At the community college level, Mortuary Schools provide associate degrees, with a one-year residency in a funeral home to meet requirements for entry-level careers in funeral service. College and university Mortuary Schools provide bachelor degrees in mortuary science, and educate students in all phases of funeral service to develop proficiency and skills necessary for the profession. Bachelor degrees require four years or more of education, beginning with two years of liberal arts courses.

The programs taught at Mortuary Schools include the study of the history of funeral service, practices and procedures, health sciences, rules and regulations of states and federal governments, organization and management, business law, marketing and merchandising, psychology, counseling, human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, forensic pathology, restorative art, embalming, religious studies, cultural studies, and much more.

Some Mortuary Schools require hands-on training in a licensed funeral home for gaining practical experience. Mortuary science students should be careful to choose only those schools that are accredited and meet state licensure requirements.

If you would care to learn more about Mortuary Schools and Mortuary Training, please search our site for more in-depth information and resources.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on SchoolsGalore.com.

Copyright 2007 - All rights reserved by SchoolsGalore.com, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc.

Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

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Online Law Schools - Only in California Can You Obtain a Degree and Use It

เขียนโดย montana | 09:13

There is a long list of online law schools that are registered with the state of California. These educational institutions are Abraham Lincoln University School of Law, American Heritage University School of Law, California School of Law, Concord School of Law, Esquire College, MD Kirk School of Law, Newport University, Northwestern California University, Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy, Southern California University of Professional Studies, University of Honolulu, West Coast School of Law Inc., West Haven University and William Howard Taft University.

There are others, but a degree from one of these registered online universities is the only chance of practicing law in the Sunshine State. There are other requirements, like being a resident of California and being a registered law student within the state of California.

Many of these have virtual class rooms set up so students can interact with each other, and most important, with the professors. This is not simply reading lesson plans but actually attending classes. The advantage is that you will be in the comfort of your own home. The cost of these programs can be $7,500 a year and up, with book fees running nearly $1,000. This is a hefty price and most online universities have a monthly installment process to make it more affordable, but there is interest attached to this type of payment plan.

Most courses last the full year and the entire course takes 4 years to complete. With over 864 hours a year needing to be completed, that is over 2 hours a day, every day.

Most students of online law schools do not have much free time just like their counterparts in the major universities. This is a serious course load.

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Good Law Schools - Finding Them and Earning Admission

เขียนโดย montana | 05:18

Good law schools are different than top law schools. A good law school is an institution that is well respectable, accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) and one that offers a high quality legal education. A top law school is one that has been identified by the the various ranking systems as being a Tier 1 institution. Tier 1 institutions offer tremendous benefits to law students, not the least of which are excellent career prospects post graduation. Yet, lots of schools are not in this upper tier of top schools. Not every school can be a Harvard or a Yale Law.

Finding good law schools can quite easy. First, check out your local state law schools. These are typically the most affordable and the most likely to be under ranked and under rating by the different popular rankings systems. If you're looking to practice law in the state you live in, a degree from such an institution can go a long way towards jump starting your career. If you're looking to practice in a different state look to that state's school to see if a good fit is possible.

It is important to be especially cautious of stand alone institutions. A stand alone law school is one that is not associated with an established college or university. Many California schools are stand alone institutions. If you're considering an stand alone school, first find out if the school is accredited by the American Bar Association. If it is not, you will be very limited as to where you ultimately practice law, whereas graduates from ABA schools can practice in any jurisdiction in the country. If the school has ABA accreditation, next compare its rankings and tuition with your local state law school. Which is cheaper? Which is more well regarded and which affords you better career prospects? Based on these answers, you will be a lot closer to finding out which institution is the best fit for you.

It is important that in your law school admissions process that you consider applying to a whole range of different colleges and universities: pick some Tier 1 schools, some lower ranked schools that fit your criteria as being a good school and finally, pick a few law schools that you are certain you will be able to get into. With these tips in mind, you will be well on your way to gaining admission and becoming a practicing attorney!

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How to Avoid Being Stopped on Suspicion of Drunk Driving

เขียนโดย montana | 00:03

If you're sober, then you've got nothing to worry about, right? Not necessarily. The problem with being singled out of traffic as a possible DUI is that the officer has already formed certain expectations: He is psychologically predisposed to "see" what he expects to see -- and he expects to see an inebriated person behind the wheel. So reddish eyes from fatigue, alcohol on the breath from a single drink, and nervous fumbling with your wallet trying to get your driver's license will be seen as corraborating these suspicions. And then your future is going to depend upon performing well on field sobriety tests -- tests which are notoriously difficult for anyone to pass.

So how do you avoid being pulled over in the first place? Well, it helps to know exactly what the police are looking for. Most of them have been taught what driving symptoms indicate the relative probability that the driver is intoxicated. This training is usually based upon research conducted by the federal National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and reproduced in a booklet intended primarily for law enforcement, "Guide for Detecting Drunk Drivers at Night". The booklet contains a "DUI Detection Guide", which identifies the 19 most common and reliable initial indicators of drunk driving - along with the percentage probability that the driver exhibiting the symptom is, in fact, under the influence. The following is a list of the symptoms and the probability of intoxication. Thus, for example, the research indicates that "the chances are 65 out of 100" that a driver who is making a wide turn or straddling a lane line has a blood-alcohol concentration above the legal limit.

- Turning with Wide Radius 65

- Straddling Center or Lane Marker 65

- Appearing to be Drunk 60

- Almost Striking Object or Vehicle 60

- Weaving 60

- Driving on Other Than Designated Roadway 55

- Swerving 55

- Slow Speed (more than 10 miles per hour below limit) 50

- Stopping (without cause) in Traffic Lane 50

- Drifting 50

- Following too closely 45

- Tires on Center or Lane Marker 45

- Braking Erratically 45

- Driving Into Opposing or Crossing Traffic 45

- Signaling Inconsistent with Driving Actions 40

- Stopping Inappropriately (other than in lane) 35

- Turning Abruptly or Illegally 35

- Accelerating or Decelerating Rapidly 30

- Headlights Off 30

The NHTSA research indicates that symptoms are rarely seen in isolation; officers usually see a number of driving symptoms before pulling the suspect over. And the chances of a driver being intoxicated when multiple symptoms are observed can also be calculated: "When two or more cues are seen, add 10 to the highest value among the cues observed." For example, if the subject is observed to be weaving (60) and following too closely (45), there are 70 chances out of 100 that his blood-alcohol is above the legal limit.

Speeding, incidentally, is not a symptom of DUI. Because of the need for quicker judgment and reflexes, it may actually indicate sobriety. You may get stopped for speeding, but at least you won't have the officer approaching your car expecting to make a DUI arrest.

So if you're driving home late some night, keep in mind what the police are looking for -- and drive accordingly.

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Top Law School - Most Say Harvard, But Not All

เขียนโดย montana | 15:14

The top law school is dependent on what you consider important. There are many that think the quality of education is the top of the list with student to faculty ratio important. For this past year, Yale Law School had the lowest student-to-faculty ratio at 6.8. Yale also ranked number 1 by the US News Law School rankings and number 1 by a professor at Texas, Brian Leiter, in educational quality. Unfortunately, the original ranking system, the Gourman report listed Yale as number 3. The 2008 GPA 25th to 75th percentile of this educational institution was 3.81 to 3.97 while the 2008 LSAT 25th percentile was 169 to 177.

Harvard came in 2nd on the 2010 US News ranking along with 2nd in its educational quality rankings but was number one with the Gourman rankings. It has a student to faculty ratio of 10.0. The 2008 GPA 25th to 75th percentile of this educational institution was 3.74 to 3.95 while the 2008 LSAT 25th to percentile was 170 to 176.

Stanford University of California was ranked 3th on the 2010 US News ranking along with a 4th place in its educational quality rankings but was number 6th with the Gourman rankings. It has a student to faculty ratio of 8.6. The 2008 GPA 25th percentile of this educational institution was 3.76 to 3.94 while the 2008 LSAT 25th to 75th percentile was 168 to 172.

Columbia University of New York was ranked 4th on the 2010 US News ranking along with a 5th place in its educational quality rankings but was number 7th with the Gourman rankings. It has a student to faculty ratio of 9.3. The 2008 GPA 25th to 75th percentile of this educational institution was 3.58 to 3.82 while the 2008 LSAT 25th to 75th percentile was 170 to 175.

The number 2 on the Gourman report for 2008 was University of Michigan at Ann Arbor while being ranked 9th on the US news rankings.

The top law school depends on which report you wish to trust.

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Antiques In And Around Oaxaca, Mexico

เขียนโดย montana | 13:33

The state of Oaxaca has been inhabited for well over 10,000 years, initially by hunter-gatherer groups which, as their populations increased, developed sophisticated systems of political and social organization, means by which to work the land and use its by-products to make clothing, weapons, vessels for storage, manufacture and cooking, adornments and accommodations. Cultures and material items evidencing their development, continued to flourish, not without change as a consequence of war, trade, overuse of land and shifts in the natural environment. The Spanish conquest which began in the early 16th century created the most profound changes in Mexico in general, as well as in Oaxaca. But Oaxaca managed to maintain much of its indigenous cultural traditions, evidenced by the fact that there are today no less than 16 distinct ethnic groups, perhaps in part as a result of its isolation from the more northern states.

The adaptation of a culture to its natural environment and external influences produces our artifacts and antiques. Accordingly, against the foregoing backdrop, and given that there has been more than one foreign influence (i.e. the Spanish, as well as the French and others), in this state with a diversity of habitats (i.e. mountains, deserts, tropical forests, fertile lowland plains and tropical climates of the Caribbean and Pacific, all of which exist in Oaxaca) one is able to find a plethora of vestiges of the past. The city of Oaxaca and environs is rich in not only in pre-Columbian ruins as well as conquest and post-conquest churches and other indicia of the history and cultures of the region, but also what we commonly refer to as artifacts of pre-history (i.e. tools, projectile points, religious and aesthetic adornments) and antiques and collectibles from the conquest era forward. I will use this distinction between artifacts on the one hand, and antiques and collectibles on the other, for clarity.

There are surprisingly only a handful of antique stores in the city. By contrast, in Puebla, 3 ½ hours up the toll-road, there is a downtown area known as Los Sapos where you can spend a day searching for antiques in several stores within a couple of blocks of one another, and on Saturdays and Sundays in an outdoor crafts and antique market. Whether in Oaxaca or Puebla, one must be cautious. I'm told that sale and exportation of artifacts is illegal. Therefore, when you ask for artifacts in a shop, either you'll be turned away, or the dueño will tell you to wait, and he'll go into a back room and return with a couple of pieces. You won't find them on display. Similarly, if you venture off into the rural areas and make the same inquiry of a campesino, you'll often be met with a frightened or puzzled look, and comment that it's "prohibido." However, you may also be told in the same breath that he has something at home, and to meet him later or come to his place to see what he has, the story being that he found it while working the land. There are two caveats. Firstly, if you are in possession of an artifact, while you can register it with the authorities and keep it at home (here in Oaxaca), upon your death your heirs are required to deliver it up to the government. Secondly, beware of reproductions. Near the ruins you may be approached by individuals purporting to offer originals for sale. An industry has been built around their production and sale, and the quality is high. In Oaxaca, with its significant level of poverty, there is incentive to go to great lengths to make and market "artifacts". The temptation is hard to resist for the collector who would likely succeed in crossing into the U.S. with pieces, especially when the "story" of how the artifact was found makes sense, and based on the price being modest.

My advice is to stay clear of anything that may appear to have a prohibition attached to its purchase or export. Remember that you are not in a society where there's the presumption of innocence and the benefit of due process and procedural fairness. Stick to collectibles that you know you are able to export from Mexico and take home with you, or keep here in Oaxaca without repercussions. You can still find wonderful pieces easy for even the amateur collector to determine authenticity, with good vintage, patina, etc. Use your gut feeling, ask the right questions and be even more vigilant than you would be in your home environment when trying to determine the veracity of what you're being told by a shopkeeper regarding provenance, age and use.

Pine dome-topped chests, often on a base, are easily found, often in original paint and should cost about half or less as compared with their pricing in the U.S. or Canada. But watch for the front panels with replacement paintings, mirrors and framing. They're called "baüls" and were traditionally used as hope chests, gifted upon marriage. Metal products such as galvanized milk pails, pitchers and tamale steamers are nice pieces, light for taking on a plane, but be careful respecting age. You frequently come across copper two handled cooking vessels in various sizes, which similarly can be reasonably purchased. In terms of crockery and stoneware, my favorites are the Spanish-produced grey ollas used to import liquids such as oil into Mexico during the conquest period and thereafter, and the metate or grinding stone used with elongated "mano" to grind corn into meal for making tamales, tortillas, etc. In both cases it's quite easy to determine age and authenticity. A while back a downtown gallery had an exhibit comprised of 85 vintage metates with manos that blew me away. I've since started my own collection. When it comes to European furniture and North American glassware, they tend to be priced quite high. Respecting the latter, as a collector of depression glass I can state that good glassware is hard to find in Oaxaca, but does crop up from time to time. I was recently told that there was at least one glass factory in Puebla during the depression era producing pieces similar to those of the American manufacturers. More commonly encountered is the heavier glass such as the multi-liter bottles, frequently in green, used to transport and store water, mezcal and other liquids. You will likely also come across siphon type seltzer bottles in blue, pink, green or clear that were produced in Mexico. Similarly there is no shortage of other beverage industry collectibles such as tavern serving trays and other vintage advertising and other paraphernalia, used in production, marketing and consumption of alcoholic and other drinks. Of course the most common of all collectibles are those with a Catholic religious theme or content. The list goes on respecting similarities with the antiques and collectibles to which we are accustomed, differences regarding form and function, as well as commonalities and distinctions in materials used in and means of production.

Shops I've found with antiques are located at: Abasolo 107, Constitution 108, Independencia 300, Benito Juarez 204-B, Guerrero 506 and Garcia Vigil 304. Happy hunting!

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Why You Should Oppose Lax Immigration Laws in the US

เขียนโดย montana | 04:58

Many nations of the world are being overrun by immigrants who have entered their country's illegally, and yes the United States is one of them. Luckily, with 300 million plus people it is not as big of a deal as a smaller nation, but we do have laws here for legal entry. And before I go much further, I ask that you please buy and read this book. I recommend it to anyone who cares about this serious issue;

"Immigration Law and Procedure in a Nutshell" by David S. Weissbrodt and Laura Danielson; (this book is part of the paperback; Nutshell Series); West Group Publishing Company (2005).

Indeed, I found this book to be very complete (over 650 pages in fact) and when you read the immigration laws of the United States of America they seem completely reasonable. After all, this is our nation and it really does matter who we let in. Unfortunately, right now we have well over 30,000 illegal aliens, even if the political left claims it's only 12 million.

It appears that President Obama wants to change these immigration laws, and many oppose them. Now the Department of Homeland Security has issued an unclassified report stating that right-wing extremists who are may become home grown terrorists; "Opposes the policies of President Obama regarding immigration," and the report goes on to say that this is one way you can tell if someone is a right-wing extremist?

Apparently, who ever authored this report is clearly a left-wing leaning communist or socialist with no care for America's future. I certainly hope they will read this book and then work to streamline efficient and legal entry into our nation rather than supporting this notion of granting citizenship to illegal aliens who have entered this nation by basically breaking in. Read the book and you decide.

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