Negotiation Tip: Never Say No!

เขียนโดย montana | 06:25

I have been going back and forth, exchanging emails with a potential seminar sponsor a world away.

And while it's very possible that we may never do business, I won't give in to that initial perception.

If I've learned anything in a few decades of professional speaking, management consulting and publishing, it's this:

"There is a way to make every deal!"

Don't get me wrong. If someone approaches me to do a program 12,000 miles away, and expects me to charge only for the single hour or day that the speech consumes, then I'll have to decline.

But I won't really say "no."

I might say, "I'd love to do this program and help you out, but I'm going to need more billable time once I arrive, to justify the four days that will be consumed in traveling to and from. So, if you can keep me busy with paid engagements for a number of days, let's see what we can put together!"

An outright declination leaves them only with a problem: Where are they going to find a capable presenter?

But my response offers a solution. It entices my counterpart to think, "How could we do that?"

In other words, it generates a win-win situation, instead of lose-lose.

This has worked for me, and it has made my hosts very happy.

So, try this out!

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