Legendary Hollywood producer and filmmaker Mike Todd once quipped, "I've been broke many times, but I've never been poor."
It's one of my favorite quotes, because it fits so many of us.
During college and graduate school, which seemed to last forever, I was usually without a lot of disposable income. But my eyes were always fixed on the prize, finishing my classes, getting good enough grades, and graduating.
I knew my financial embarrassments were at best, temporary. Someday, I kept telling myself, I'd dedicate my energies to living a more lavish life.
And I can say I've done precisely that, more than once!
But in between, I've also struggled. It's normal.
Someone wise said a full life requires thousands of mistakes, and I'm on my quota, so far. But I'm not poor, and I've never been, except when I have:
(1) Taken my eyes off of the prize, or I've forgotten to set an inspiring goal;
(2) Lost, or at least misplaced my enthusiasm;
(3) Accepted other people's goals as a substitute for my own;
(4) Succumbed to the worst myths of all that I'm too-this or too-that, to succeed; or
(5) Compared my progress in life with that of others, who are richer, more famous, or perhaps even more talented or intelligent (which in a better mood, I'd dispute).
You're about as rich as you think you are.
If you doubt this, consider what those who survived the Great Depression used to say:
"We were all poor back then, but nobody knew it!"
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