The couples must work together

เขียนโดย montana | 06:56

Families have been developed to work together. This is wonderful in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 shows. As a body of family, every man is a special part one and the same value. The body as a whole can not, without the efforts of each individual function.

More precisely, must be safe Husbands and wives working together for the family's best interests. Philippians 2:4 reads: "Each of you should look not only your interests but also to the interests ofothers. "(NIV)

Think like a pair

Once we married, we think individually. This is particularly important when it comes to finances. Miscommunication or a lack of communication can lead to major disasters. Couples should know what is happening to the family budget. All revenues and expenses must be identified. Everyone should know where important financial documents are stored in which is stored and how to manage your checkbook.Since each person has unique abilities and skills, it is for a spouse to manage the budget in order, Finance. However, if the other spouse enough to know everything runs smoothly on the first spouse to keep away.

Be prepared for the unexpected

In the past I have with some of my older customers who can not communicate with each other was doing well satisfied. Some of the women who had recently lost her husband absolutely no idea where their savings accounts were still being detained. Youdid not know the management of invoices and do not make your checkbook.

It does not take a death of a spouse by force, must assume management of the family budget. Any unforeseen event that could take away. How many of us plan to be involved in a car accident? None. Since have no idea what is in our future, we must be prepared for anything.


The objectives must also be designed jointly. Both long-and short-term objectives should be identified. This canpaid invoices as easy or as complex as planning for retirement. If all the shares of planning, it is all on the same page and working for the same purpose.

I witnessed a divorce occur between close friends of the family because they live on in retirement does not agree. They wanted to stay in Southern California, while the other wanted to move south. After more than 30 years, married, marriage, because a lack of communication, and concluded aInability to solve it.

Definition of the limits

Although it is not necessary to say to each other where every dollar is spent, it is important that the boundaries are for the large expenditure is drawn. As a couple, determine how much each individual can pass without the need for a joint decision.

This number varies with each family. For example, spouses may decide to call each other before buying items over $ 250. This relieves much undue stress caused bysurprise purchases.

Families are designed to work together. Everyone has a role, and the body of the family can not function without each person. Husbands and wives must work together. We should plan for the unexpected and the steps necessary for the family's best interests.

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