Are You Truly Poor, or Simply Broke?

เขียนโดย montana | 23:45

Legendary Hollywood producer and filmmaker Mike Todd once quipped, "I've been broke many times, but I've never been poor."

It's one of my favorite quotes, because it fits so many of us.

During college and graduate school, which seemed to last forever, I was usually without a lot of disposable income. But my eyes were always fixed on the prize, finishing my classes, getting good enough grades, and graduating.

I knew my financial embarrassments were at best, temporary. Someday, I kept telling myself, I'd dedicate my energies to living a more lavish life.

And I can say I've done precisely that, more than once!

But in between, I've also struggled. It's normal.

Someone wise said a full life requires thousands of mistakes, and I'm on my quota, so far. But I'm not poor, and I've never been, except when I have:

(1) Taken my eyes off of the prize, or I've forgotten to set an inspiring goal;

(2) Lost, or at least misplaced my enthusiasm;

(3) Accepted other people's goals as a substitute for my own;

(4) Succumbed to the worst myths of all that I'm too-this or too-that, to succeed; or

(5) Compared my progress in life with that of others, who are richer, more famous, or perhaps even more talented or intelligent (which in a better mood, I'd dispute).

You're about as rich as you think you are.

If you doubt this, consider what those who survived the Great Depression used to say:

"We were all poor back then, but nobody knew it!"

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Your Accident Case - How Much is it Worth? $500 Or $170,000?

เขียนโดย montana | 23:42

After more than twenty (20) years of handling personal injury cases and recoveries in millions of dollars, this Author has not produced a magic crystal ball that can determine the value of accident (tort) cases that insurance adjusters are willing to pay.

In other words, the value of your accident case is determined on a case-by-case basis, depending on various factors including, but not limited to, the following:

1. Seriousness of bodily injuries sustained;

2. Loss of earning capacity;

3. Amounts of past, present, and future medical bills;

4. Amount of loss of earnings;

5. Insurance policy limit of the responsible party;

6. Amounts of property (vehicle) damages to all vehicles involved;

7. Reputation of your attorney in aggressively prosecuting your case, including jury trial, if warranted;

8. Propensity of the insurance adjuster to make reasonable or low-ball offers of settlement;

9. Generosity or stinginess of the jurors or judge deciding your case in litigation;

10. Persistence of your attorney in securing higher settlement or award (in uninsured motorist claims);

11. Merits of your claim or case as to liability;

12. Percentage of your fault (contributory negligence);

13. Apportionment for pre-existing medical condition; and

14. Your need of money from the case.

(1) Seriousness of Bodily Injuries, (11) Merits of Claim, and (6) Amount of Property Damage:

A fender bender from a rear-end collision of low impact with minimal property damage may elicit a $500.00 offer for any bodily injury claim, in addition to the repair on the vehicle.

The prevalent policy of almost all insurance companies in offering $500.00 settlement for bodily injury claims in low-impact collision (property damage of less than $1,000.00) seeks to discourage bodily injury claims, especially in common rear-end collisions.

But serious bodily injuries (more than just the common soft-tissue injuries from sprain and or strain), with admitted liability by the other party's insurance carries and large property damage (car totaled or more than $5,000.00 in repairs) merit much higher value of bodily-injury damages for medical bills and pain and suffering.

Indications of the seriousness of the bodily injuries include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Emergency room treatments;

2. Open wounds;

3. Fractures(s);

4. Loss of consciousness from the accident;

5. Sustained, constant pain for over six (6) months;

6. Lengthy medical treatment (over six (6) months); and

7. Positive orthopedic and/or neurological findings by specialists from indicated tests.

(11) Disputed Liability, (12) Contributory Negligence, and (13) Pre-existing Medical Conditions:

An intersection accident is a red flag for insurance adjusters to dispute liability. Who ran the red light? A traffic collision report is not conclusive on liability. The need to obtain names, addresses, and telephone numbers of eye-witnesses favoring your version of the incident cannot be over-emphasized.

Insurance adjusters who admit liability would minimize damages to their insured by pointing out contributory negligence on the other driver, such as:

1. Moving too fast for the condition of the road/freeway (California Vehicle Code 22350);

2. Not wearing seatbelt (California Vehicle Code Section 27315);

3. Following too closely (California Vehicle Code Section 21703); and

4. Making unsafe change of lane (California Vehicle Code Section 21658); and

5. Being inattentive or negligent in operation the vehicle.

In slip and fall cases, defenses of open and obvious danger, failure by the plaintiff to prove notice of a dangerous condition by the premises owner, as well as pre-existing medical conditions are commonly asserted by the insurance adjusted and defense counsel.

(5) Insurance Policy Limit, (10) Persistence of Attorney, and (8) Propensity of Insurance Adjusters:

The Insurance policy limit plays a large role in determining how much money your case is worth. For example, the average driver has a $15,000 per person / $30,000 max limit for damage done in car accidents. On the other hand, commercial vehicles can have policies from $150,000 upwards. Accidents relating to commercial vehicles have a great potential for large winnings.

Next, the persistence of the attorney makes a large impact on your case. This is not a place to skimp on attorney fees. A good attorney can pressure the insurance companies to settle for much more than a indifferent attorney.

Finally, the insurance adjusters themselves may be swayed with the details of the case. Accidents with families, children, and couples yield more emotional sway than single passengers. Adjusters may be willing to put up less resistance in such case and be more willing to settle for the maximum coverage.

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Wooden Toys Can Educate and Amuse Most Kids

เขียนโดย montana | 23:31

Most wooden toys that you remember being popular years ago are still common today, just with some added improvements. This means that you will likely be quite familiar with some of the toys your child enjoys, allowing you to locate their favorites quickly. Learn about some of the best wooden toys on the market before you make any decisions on what to get for your child.

Building blocks are still as popular as ever, and they are known for keeping children of a wide range of ages entertained for hours. These simple wooden toys come in different amounts, so you can start with a basic set of building blocks for young children, and progress to larger amounts for older kids that clearly enjoy these toys. Some also come in sets that are meant to build specific objects, such as a castle. Most building blocks available today range in size, meaning that even younger children can play safely with these wooden toys, as long as they are larger than the usual blocks. Additionally, some come in different colors, taking a break from the basic wood appearance.

Another type of wooden toy strives to teach children the basics of shapes, color, and hand-eye coordination. Wooden shape sorters have been popular for years, and feature a wooden tray with several colored shapes that must be placed in the corresponding space. Young children can usually spend hours playing with toys like this one, and are likely to learn from them, too. A similar product is made of the same features, but comes with a small mallet to allow children to pound the shapes into the correct slots. This is great for kids with lots of energy to burn.

The same concepts are often learned when children play with stack and sort boards. This type of toy not only demands that kids focus on the different shapes and colors, but also requires them to organize and stack them properly. These wooden toys can provide hours of fun for young children while teaching them color and shape recognition, as well as organizational skills.

Most wooden toys are widely available and within nearly anyone's budget. They have the added bonus of typically being quite educational, and most are also traditional. This means that they do not rely on batteries or newer technology to work, and are also known for being durable so that they last years. Therefore, most wooden toys found on the market today make great gifts for kids of many ages, whether you want to teach, entertain, or both.

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Law School Admission Essay - Three Key Attributes

เขียนโดย montana | 23:15

What do Law Schools look for in application essays?

The admissions committee at any law school looks at your application (which includes transcripts, LSAT scores, recommendations, and personal statement), they essentially seek the answer to one single question: Can this person succeed at this school, and will he actually make a good lawyer upon graduating?

However, as the admissions committee members get to your essay, their focus shifts from objective to subjective analysis. For instance, often admissions officers say that they look to the essays to feel that they've come to know a real human being, his personality and character. In this subjective setting, officers often say that they look for someone they feel that they know, understand, and most importantly, spend three years of the law school with.

These are the three essential ingredients of a successful law school admission essay:

1. Writing/Communication Skills

A no-brainer when it comes to admissions essays. As an attorney, you are expected to have above-par, even exceptional communication skills.

The admission essay, thus, is a perfect platform to showcase these skills.

Of course, your essay doesn't have to appear as the work of a future Pulitzer prize winning author, but as a future lawyer, judge, or politician. The ability to present ideas skillfully is the essential to success in the legal profession, and good writing is a very strong indicator of these communication skills.

At the J.D. level, good writing skills are expected in a candidate. A typo, a single grammatical mistake, a factual error - little, oblivious mistakes could cost you a spot at a law school. While a beautifully written essay won't singularly get you inside a law school, a poorly written one might cost you the admission.

The admissions officer basically looks at the essay and asks: Does the candidate have a strong command of the English language? Solid writing style and organizational abilities?

Provide the answer to these questions, and you'll have one foot inside the college door.

2. Motivation

The admissions committee expects your essay to answer an obvious question: Why?

Why do you want to apply to this college and not that college? Why do you think you'll make a good addition to our student body? Why do you think you'll make a good lawyer?

In other words, the committee is looking for your motivation to getting into the law school.

Did you decide on a whim, or because you made a drunken bet with your friend that you could get into law school. Or maybe you want to impress your family, or perhaps its been a lifelong dream of yours to be an attorney.

In other words, your reasons for getting into law school, thus, have to be strong enough to support your application. A drunken bet with friends will not actually cut it, nor will an artificial reason like impressing family/girlfriend/etc.

The law school wants to know that you really want to get inside, that you really want to be a lawyer.

Your single, individual goal in the essay, thus, is to prove to the admissions officer that you belong to their school, that you've worked hard to get this far, and that you'll continue doing so once you get inside. That you're committed, motivated to be Juris Doctor from your chosen law school.

3. A Real Person

As mentioned earlier, above anything, the admissions committee members seek out character and personality in the essay. In other words, the committee members want to believe that they are reading the personal statement of a real, live human being.

The admissions committee has never seen you. They haven't ever spoken to you. Whatever they know about you is what is recorded in your transcripts, factual information in your application, and most importantly, what is written in your personal statement.

The personal statement, thus, becomes the window to your personality, your character. Its the way you communicate with the admissions officer, woo him, in fact. When asked, admissions officers will often give you varied advice (be honest, be unique, etc.), that all essentially means one thing: Be Yourself!

This is, in a way, the exact same advice you would be given while dating.

Imagine the plight of the admissions officers: thumbing through countless stacks of essays, all boring, all penned down mechanically. Then, when he comes across a beautifully crafted essay that speaks to him, connects to him, interests him, you can be sure that he will start leaning in your favor.

Combine all these elements, and you'll have a winner of a law school admissions essay on your hands, one that can charm the hardest of admissions committee and bag you a seat at that law school you've been eying since your undergrad days.

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For Some, True Wealth Means Freedom From Money

เขียนโดย montana | 23:00

I've always felt that those who criticize money, who deride people who have amassed it through their own toil and brains, don't know what they're talking about.

Before they condemn those who succeed in obtaining it, they should try it out for themselves.

Make a fortune or two, and then weigh in with an opinion as to which condition you prefer, wealth or its alternatives.

Having money is just one measure of wealth, anyway. There are people who arrange not to need money, and I believe they can also be considered "rich."

For example, take a college professor who is provided free or subsidized housing at a private university's ocean-facing campus. He enjoys a multi-million dollar view at a fraction of the price.

And while he doesn't own anything and he achieves no traditional price appreciation, his asset, the use of the dwelling, does become a more valuable perk with each passing semester.

He doesn't have to kill himself to earn the mortgage money on a similarly situated, private residence, located across the street. He can do what he loves, be a teacher, and not need big money to have an amazing life and lifestyle.

There are other examples of people who are rich, without having any money of their own.

The curator of a beautiful, small gem of a museum spends most of her waking hours surrounded by beauty. She eats in a subsidized cafeteria, drives a car paid for by her organization, and travels far and wide, expenses paid, to acquire more art for her employer.

By having money, officially wealthy people don't have to worry about the need to make money.

If you can figure out how to take a vacation from money, then you've joined this fraternity, by unlocking the real benefit to being wealthy.

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Getting the Largest Law School Scholarships

เขียนโดย montana | 22:54

Going to school to become a lawyer is not cheap. Especially after you consider that you have already paid out for four years of college. Luckily there are scholarships available that can help you pay for your schooling. Not many graduate programs have scholarships available. However, these law school scholarships are open for anyone at any level in their schooling.

The most important thing to remember, regardless of whether you are in law school or leaving high school is filling out the FASFA. The federal government has a wide range of scholarships, grants and work study programs that can make your college experience more affordable. Most states require that you fill out the FASFA if you want to be able to get any financial aid from the school or the state locally. Filling out the FASFA does not take a long time, just a few short forms about your earnings, demographics and you are done.

The next step in finding a law school related scholarship is to search online. There are many different online search engines for scholarships. They can provide you all the details on the money available as well as the restrictions on it. These search engines are also great for people who do not know where to look for grants for law school. Law school scholarships are available for people who are going into their law schooling or are currently enrolled. They can provide the cost of your classes, whether in part or in full. Do not forget to check for these awesome deals.

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Get the Answers To These Questions Before You Get A Divorce

เขียนโดย montana | 22:50

Q. What should I ask a prospective a lawyer?

A. Before you hire a lawyer to take on a divorce case, be sure to ask them the following questions?

- Where did you attend law school?

--Do you know my soon to be ex-spouse? Do you know their lawyer?

--How many divorce cases have you handled throughout your career? How many of these cases have gone to trial?

--Have you handled custody disputes or financial settlements?

--Will you have plenty of time to devote to this case or do you have others coming up that will be a higher priority for you?

--Will you personally deal with all aspects of my case, or will also have an associate on the case? If so, when will I be able to meet with them, and what level of related experience do they possess?

- What are your fees, the hourly billing rate, and how do you expect payment? And, do you charge a retainer, and if so, how much?

- What are your regular office hours, and what is the easiest way to get in contact with you?

Q. What is a divorce mediator and should I consider employing one?

A: A divorce mediator is used to handle issues such as child custody and the separation of marital assets, and to explain the applicable divorce laws in your area. A mediator is an unbiased party, usually a lawyer or counselor, who helps to facilitate compromise between spouses without the need for litigation in a courtroom.

Q: How do I approach the subject of our impending divorce with the children?

A. Its always best to be as honest as possible with your children. Obviously this doesn't mean sharing all the intimate details of the situation with them. Frame your words in as simple and gentle a fashion as possible. Older children are generally already acutely aware that their parents are unhappy together, even if you have done your best to avoid arguing in their presence. Young children though, may be quite shocked by the news, so handle the situation with patience and delicacy.

It's crucial to convey that they have absolutely nothing to do with the end of the marriage, and also to explain that both parents will still love the children unconditionally even if they aren't in love with each other any more.

Q. What happens after the divorce?

A. Everyone will handle life following a divorce differently, depending on their personality and mindset, the circumstances of the divorce, and whether or not the decision was mutual and expected or sudden and unforeseen. You may feel depressed, angry, or deeply relieved.

Try to meet new people, learn new and interesting things, and make a fresh start of life as far as possible. Keep stress in check and treat yourself well.

Remember that in life, every experience can be an opportunity to grow wiser and stronger.

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